I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Random Things!

I got a brand new camera at the end of August and it died on October 30th...considering how much I love to take pictures, it was like being without a right arm! I FINALLY got it back today and thought I'd upload some pictures!!

Since Zach had the flu on Halloween I didn't get a chance to take any pictures of him in his costume, but I did get to take pictures of him before he got sick at his school Halloween parade. Here's my little magician!!

After the parade I was leaving the school and saw this picture that he did of himself on the bus hanging outside of the art room...I love how his clouds are hearts!

Last Saturday we had our neighborhood block party. Since I didn't have my camera, I borrowed Aaron's. The fire station up the street came so the kids could explore the fire truck and ambulance. Zach loved it!

So it came time to grill all of the hot dogs and hamburgers for the neighbors and somehow I was nominated to be grill master. Honestly, I consider myself a pretty good cook INSIDE the kitchen, but I'm like a fish out of water when it comes to grilling!! I was waiting for Aaron to arrive so he could take over, but Alex wound up sick with a head cold and she literally lasted 15 minutes at the party before she was completely miserable and he had to take her back home.
So......after the first round of hamburgers and hot dogs, which I might add were done to perfection, the grill started smoking really bad, and black smoke at that. Guess it was a really good thing the fire department was there because apparently the grill caught on fire!!!!

Engine 15 at its finest!!

Me, pretending to be the innocent bystander!

Oh well, there was cotton candy, so all was good!

We are flying out to Albany tomorrow to celebrate Aaron's grandmother's 90th birthday. Unfortunately it's going to be too much of a whirl-wind trip for Alex, so she's going to be staying home with my parents. She definitely wont mind since her Papa is definitely the best thing since vanilla ice cream!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I hope you had a good trip! Talk to you soon!