I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Harlie Caroline Holton

Today I took the train up to Washington DC to visit Harlie and Christy at Children's National Medical Center. Harlie's still in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit recovering from her third major heart surgery (http://lifesinceharlie.blogspot.com/).

It was so good to see her when I walked in even though she was watching TV and completely ignoring me! It was great to see Christy too - we've seen each other weekly for the past couple of weeks and I missed her! She has the same sarcastic sense of humor I have and she's so easy to be around. I'm not going to say I don't know how she does it, because quite frankly I get uncomfortable when people say that to me - it's your child - of course you're going to 'do it', if there was an option to pick door number 2, all of the mom's in my club that no one wants to be in would have opted for that a long time ago! Anyway, I'm always in awe at 'how' she does it. Harlie's medical anomalies are so extremely complicated - yet Christy can recite more medical jargon than a 3rd year medical student and she has a way of explaining everything in the simplest form so you really get it. Do you know what its like to be away from your home and family for weeks and just sit in a hospital room alllllll day loooooong? Do you know that those hours feel more like days? Do you know what it's like to stare at your child laying helplessly willing them with all your might to get better while the whole time you're keeping your mind from wandering to a place that no parents mind should ever have to go to? If you're shaking your head no then you should consider yourself very blessed and you should go give your kids a kiss and thank God that they are healthy.

By the end of my visit I had Harlie smiling (of course I like to think it was me and not the drugs she's on!). And I'm sorry Christy, but I just have to tell everyone that I did get a kiss...and I'm the only one so far that's gotten a kiss since her surgery!

Here's a picture I stole from Christy because the battery died on my camera...uggghh! Just for Harlie to sit up for 2 minutes exhausts her. But, it was great to see her signing and see a small glimpse of her sense of humor coming through.

Keep your chin up Christy, you have no idea what an inspiration you are.

And hurry up and get better soon Harlie..we miss you and Alex will be anxiously waiting to see you and watch you point to her and sign her name.

Thanks for letting me visit today - big hugs to both of you.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Awww! Thanks, Donna! You know I couldn't do all this without my friends supporting me (and that means you!). When it all gets too much, I just have to talk or see you guys and I'm laughing and forgetting all about what got me down.

I'm so grateful you came up (I know it wasn't easy for you) and I'm so thankful I got to see her smile.

So, thank you!!!