I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Holy Moses!!

So I don't think I typically over react anymore when it comes to Alex and her needs. It's been seven years, and we've pretty much run the gamut with her and illnesses. But let me just tell you, she scared the beejesus out of me today!!

I got home from work and talked to her nurse for a while. Alex was in a great mood, and she had a great day. Her chest PT and treatments have been working well and all seemed good. Until....

I had been sitting up with her on the floor doing some sitting exercises and it was time for her feeding. She hadn't napped but 15 minutes and seemed kind of tired, so I laid her in her bed and went to go prepare her pump. Came back upstairs and said...Alex, what is on your face?? She had a few bumps and I chalked it up to the excessive drool and runny nose. Started her feeding, and went back in to check on her about 15 minutes later and the entire right side of her face was covered in welts. Aaron came home from work right about that time and I called him up to come look at her - I met him at the top of the stairs, told him what was going on with her face and by the time we both walked over to her bed the welts had tripled! They were on her legs and her stomach. So now I start freaking out. She's been sick thousands of times and never had any remote kind of reaction. My pediatrician is on vacation but he told me after I called him on Friday concerned about her fever and possible aspiration that he would brief one of the doctors at the practice. So I call him and he tells me that he needs to see her "immediately". The practice is 40 minutes away, they lock their doors at 5:30 and it's already 10 minutes to 5. I put her in the car and drive like a mad woman. Half way there I turn around to look at her and literally, her whole body is covered in these red welts. I make it to the pediatrician's office with literally one minute to spare and as soon as I walk in the door they take one look at her, take her from me and race her back to one of the rooms. Ok, my pulse is now pulsating out of the side of my neck! They ran blood work, swabbed her for strep and gave her a full examination. Thankfully, everything checked out ok, her blood work is within normal range, and her lungs sounded clear. So at this moment, they're surmising that this is just her body's way of ridding the virus she has. Good Lord, the child almost put me into a full blown panic attack!!!

I need a new camera, most of the pictures I took before she got totally annoyed with me didn't come out clear...

1 comment:

Christy said...

That would have freaked me out, too. I'm glad it's all gone now!