I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

5th and 6th Grade

Obviously I was pretty much MIA for blogging all of August.  Quite frankly, I was not in my happy place - and it's really hard for me to blog when I feel like that.  I like to think of myself normally as a happy person who is typically a go with the flow kind of girl, but that girl disappeared for a little bit.  This summer just sucked.  Plain and simple  It started crappy in May with my tonsil infection, got worse with Aaron and Zach's melanoma news, vacation fell apart and I topped it off by rearranging my big toe nail and the surrounding skin at a baseball game that's left me hobbling with a big stupid bandage for almost two weeks now and is going to take two full months to heal. And that's just on top of all of the other challenges we face on a daily basis with Alex. Honestly, how much more should I have to take?!?  If this is a test, I really wish I could just pass already! Over it. All of it!   I'm so not sorry summer is over.  There I said it - I can move on!

Today I was bound and determined to wake up with a new attitude.  First day of school!  Always exciting, and it's a big year for both of the kids.  Zach is in 5th grade, top of the food chain as he likes to say and Alex is starting  middle school....and that's huge for her.  We have visited the school on numerous occasions, I absolutely LOVE her teacher, I've heard amazing things about her and it's obvious it's all true and I can't explain it, but I just know this is going to be a year of big things with her.  We are starting a new speech therapy as well with a therapist who is equally amazing and I think the combo is exactly what Alex needs.

We've been telling Alex for the last few days that the bus was coming back and that she was going to go to "big girl" school and every time we told her that she would smile so this morning when I woke her up and told her it was time for the bus she got very excited.

All dressed and ready for 6th grade!


The bus was running behind but she was waiting very patiently at the end of the driveway - she kept looking up and down the street looking for her favorite ride.

...and when it arrived she was one happy girl.  

Zach had his last first day of elementary school.  I cannot believe how fast the years have gone, it really does feel like just yesterday he was excited to be going to kindergarten.

First day of Kindergarten.....

First day of Fifth grade:

Walking into school for the very first time...

Walking in like big man on campus this morning.

This afternoon after a full first day.

Alex had a very long day - she left on the bus a little after 8 this morning and didn't get back home until almost 4:15 - she was one tired little girl!  Tammy said she had a really good day, she was doted on by all of the staff, girls from her school last year came to speak to her in the cafeteria, she went to gym, to science and she was engaged in all of her activities in the classroom.  

Zach was anxiously waiting for her to get home

...and she was so very happy to spend time with him

 It was heartwarming watching them giggle and being silly with each other

Their looks at each other speaks volumes...

...and definitely encourages my decision to have a new attitude. So here is to only good things on the horizon this Fall and to a great school year!

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