I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Well, finally some news on the nutrition side. We met with the nutritionist Thursday after her feeding therapy appointment and Alex has, drum roll, gained ONE POUND, ELEVEN OUNCES since her last appointment (which was only a little over a month ago)! Of course it can't be as simple as "she's gained weight, awesome, be on your merry way" - what fun would that be? Now she's gaining too much weight too quickly. Not enough weight, too much weight...shees! The really, really good side to this is that we are FINALLY starting the weening process from her night time tube feeding - it's actually happening! She's actually eating enough by mouth and actually gaining weight, that we are really, really starting the weening process...really! I guess you can tell I'm pretty excited about the news.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Wow! That's some GREAT news there! And what a great week to get it!

Happy Mother's Day!