I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Harvest Dance

Middle school has been such an amazing experience for Alex.  She has honestly done more in the last few months than she did her whole elementary school career.  She has friends - and they aren't friendships we have forged for her.  Honestly, I don't know half of the kids that come up to talk to her.  I really wish I knew it could be like this for her earlier, I would have made sure a lot of things were done differently!  BUT - we are here now and we are going to enjoy every aspect of it and be grateful.  Last night Alex went with all of her school peers to the school's Fall Harvest Dance. 
And she had a ball!

Alex loves music, and lots of noise - I'm sure if she could tell you herself she would have said nothing could have been better :)

And the best part is she didn't care that her Mom and Dad were at the dance with her!

I'm sure it will be a totally different story next year when Zach is in middle school!  And speaking of Zach, the second we walked in the door he was whisked away by some girls and we barely saw him the duration of the dance.  If he wasn't already excited about middle school he sure is now! He too had the best time :)
Zach and his friend Lacy

This is Alex and her amazing, amazing teacher Ms. Hadji.  What an incredible person she is.  She loves the kids in her classroom like they are her own and there is nothing they aren't capable of in her eyes.  She is such an advocate for her kids and Alex is truly thriving with her. 

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my girl doing something so typical and being so happy about it!
Dance on Alex, Dance on :)


Susan said...

Donna I wish you would expand on what you would do differently. For us moms of younger kids it may be helpful. Glad she is loving Middle School!!!

Donna said...

Hi Susan! I sent you 2 emails and just wanted to follow up and see if you received them!