I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I have a lot I want to blog about, but it's been such a busy time and I haven't had anytime to upload pictures and just sit for a few minutes to write.

I did have to take a minute to write this though.

This morning I was cleaning out Zach's backpack and going through some of his papers.  This year his class has worked a lot on poetry and his poetry folder happened to be what I started going through when I found this....


I am a brother
I understand that it is hard
I say I understand
I dream that my sister will be verbal
I try to make her happy
I hope she is okay every day
I am Zach Hayes

I don't even have words -  it's been a Kleenex kind of morning.


E Rabke said...

I love it!!!! Sometimes we find things like this at the EXACT time we need to find them!!! Alex is helping Zach to be one incredible catch one day!!!! Hugs!!!! xoxo

Christy said...

What Emilie said. xoxo