I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Friday, July 19, 2013

More Cast Drama

This has not been an easy week for poor Alex.  Her casts were causing major pressure points and she has been so unhappy.  Last night I took her casts off and I freaked out a bit.

By this morning they looked much better, but she obviously has pressure points and she's been rubbing her knees trying to pull them up because she's got little blisters.

For the morning we only put her knee immobilizers on - which are cloth - it's not ideal for the stretch but we couldn't put the casts back on until Shannon saw her.  So we were back to Children's Hospital this afternoon.  She's got some more new padding inside the braces to try and ease the rubbing her knees are doing - in two days she actually wore down almost all of the padding that was trying to protect her knees.  I have to say - she's probably the strongest "weak" kid I know!  I wish she would use that fiesty attitude in other areas!  She has a bunch of fluid that has built up underneath both knee caps but hopefully that will resolve itself.

After we left Children's I HAD to run to the grocery store.  Alex also has an ace bandage on her arm due to an earlier incident - so between that and her two casts it was pretty comical to watch people reactions to her!  I would LOVE to know what people were thinking!

The GOOD news is that in 3 days, she has gained some range of motion - so I'm SO happy we heard that - I'm not sure I wouldn't have thrown in the towel if I heard she was still the same, or heaven forbid, worse. 

We talked about the casting next week and how that will go so I'm hoping and praying that this gets a little easier.  Alex was also a lot happier today so hopefully that trend will continue.

I am SO happy that today is Friday and that there is nothing on our agenda for tomorrow.  I am looking forward to a very, very lazy day!!

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