I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Monday, June 10, 2013


I mentioned that it was Aaron's 40th birthday - and he didn't feel well on his birthday so it was kind of a bust.  There was no party, and while there were some gifts, they certainly weren't milestone birthday gifts :) Well what Aaron didn't know was that I had been planning a surprise trip for him.  And for that trip I was arranging for his best friend Jerry from back home (Rochester, NY) to fly in and surprise him.  Well that all happened this past week.  And he was SUPRISED!  Yeay!  I will say - I told Aaron there was no way he would ever have to worry about me having an affair - it's WAY to complicated to tell lies, keep them all the straight and hide stuff at the same time!
To make sure that he had the day off I told him that I had to go out of town for the day on Friday for work and that Alex had a nutrition appointment that he HAD to take her to because she had missed her last appointment and it was really important that she didn't miss this one.  I had called his bosses and requested that he have the day off - which they were fine with - but they said that if he scheduled something for that day there was nothing they could do about that.  So I made up this whole elaborate story (I even wrote it on our white board calendar in the kitchen which had my nurse totally confused!)  He kept making comments that he would go into work if her appointment was done early enough and he kept making plans for the weekend that I had to remember to write down so those plans could be undone.  I had to remember to erase all relevant text messages, delete call logs, hide e-mail confirmations...sheesh, it was exhausting!
Jerry flew in on Thursday - and his flight was almost two hours late - so we were pulling in from the airport at the exact time Aaron was due to get home.  We pulled in the driveway and Jerry darted in the house and a minute later Aaron pulled up.  I had to turn away and pretend to be looking at the mail that I had gotten when I saw him driving down the street because I kept smiling - I was SO excited for his reaction - I had been like a kid waiting for Christmas for the longest time!  Jerry was inside in the living room and Aaron normally goes right upstairs to change out of his uniform - I was stalling him in the kitchen talking to him for a minute and in my head trying to figure out how to surprise him with Jerry (our original plan was screwed up due to the 2 hour flight delay) - but as luck would have it, Zach had been watching TV and had turned the cable box off so there was no picture on the screen, but left the TV on - which Aaron happened to notice so he went in to turn the TV off and as he walked in the room Jerry said something like, "Gee, it sure would be nice if someone offered me a beverage or something" - and when Aaron looked up his face was PRICELESS!!  He had no clue! And he was SO happy!  It was just awesome!!!

I then told him to go pack because he, Jerry, my brother and our friend Scott were leaving for a boys golfing weekend. They played 9 holes of golf on Friday and when they went out to eat that night my brother apparently paid the entertainment to have the restaurant sing happy birthday to him - which was great!  They played 18 holes on Saturday and even though the weather here was horrible here, they had great weather for golf.  Of course, it was all boys so they didn't think to take any pictures - the only pictures I have of their weekend are pictures of the golf course!

Aaron must have thanked me a hundred times over the weekend.  He said it was the BEST birthday ever.  Every time I spoke to him on the phone he was laughing and you could just hear in his voice how happy he was.  When they got home yesterday he was still smiling.   And that made me happy! 
Mission accomplished!!!!!

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