I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Dentist Appointments

Someone asked me this morning if I have a medical background.   It's not the first time I've been asked that question and I usually respond with I'm not a Doctor, I just play one at home.  The only initials I have behind my name are M.O.M.  However, most days I am a physical, speech, occupational and feeding therapist, my favorite, a proctologist, a gastroenterologist, a pediatrician, a neurologist...you get the point!  Anyway, the big joke at the dental office on Tuesday was that I was a hygienist.  It took three people to clean Alex's teeth and I got to keep her mouth open and hold the 'suction thingy' to suck out all of her spit (how is that for medical terminology?!?)    
We had some conversations about her teeth and the oral surgery she had last year - she was listening so intently to everything we were saying.

I'm thinking she was trying to process everything....

And then she was like, okay - this looks like it might as good a time as any to get up and try and walk away!

She actually did awesome - she LOVED the sound of the 'suction thingy' so she pretty much laughed through the whole procedure.  Her teeth look good, other than the tons of plaque that is such an issue because of all of her excessive drooling.  We brush her teeth after every single meal and before bed - and the dentist said we could brush them all day long, but with the amount of drool sitting in her mouth, there's no avoiding all the build up.  We decided the best thing for her is to go every three months instead of every six so we can try to manage it better.
I felt really bad for Zach because he had an appointment too - but they put Alex in a room with a closed door and Zach was outside of the room getting his exam in an open area - but because I was playing hygienist with Alex he was out there flying solo.  As soon as I could I left Alex and went to be with him - but he was just finishing up.  

So brave :)  

His teeth look pretty good too - no cavities - but they did say that he's going to need braces, not right away because he still has quite a few baby teeth, but most likely by the time he's in middle school.  And we should start saving now - do you know the going rate for braces right now is about $8,000?!?  YIKES!!!!!!!!  Zach also has a tooth that has grown in sideways - when he smiles you can see it but it doesn't hurt or anything.  The dentist said we could go see an orthodontist now and get braces now to fix that and then do another set when he's in middle school.  Um, no thanks, I think that tooth gives him character - we're good!!

Do you ever feel like a broken record with your kids - "Did you brush your teeth?" - "Will you brush your teeth?"  "PLEASE brush your teeth!"  That's how it's been with Zach.  One of my favorite responses is "Why should I brush my teeth now if I'm just going to have something to eat later?!?"    Well - while I was in with Alex, apparently the hygienist was showing Zach a 'picture book' on why it is so important to brush your teeth and to floss.  She pulled it back out when I came out to let me know what they had talked about and why taking care of your teeth is so important.  There were nice pictures of healthy teeth and gums but I'll admit - there were some pretty nasty pictures of people who didn't take care of their teeth!  Well, whatever she said certainly hit home with him.  Every morning he gets up and goes in the bathroom and brushes (and I don't mean the 2 second toothbrush isn't even wet 'brush' he was doing) AND he FLOSSES....and he brushes when he gets home from school AND he brushes and FLOSSES again before he goes to bed!!  I would say that was worth every penny of the co-pay for that appointment!! 
By the time we were done at the dentist Zach was starving.  Alex had to be at therapy a little after an hour we were done and still needed to eat and lay down for a quick nap so I dropped them off at home and Zach wanted Subway.  He said he wanted a foot long - to which I responded "There is no way you are going to eat a foot long" - but he said he was starving and would - so I figured I would get him one and just wrap the other half up and bring it home for Aaron.  BUT, to my surprise, he ate the WHOLE foot long!  And TWO cookies on top of that!!!  I think someone is growing!!

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