I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Little "Sickies"

The weekend before last Zach woke up both Saturday and Sunday night crying hysterically saying he couldn't swallow. Saturday day he seemed fine, but by Saturday night he was really low key and said he wasn't feeling good...his legs hurt (something he complains of often, but the doctors just say it's growing pains), his head hurt and his stomach hurt. Sunday was more of the same, so on Monday we were off to the dr. at 7:30AM. I will be a little selfish and say I was completely tempted to send him to school because the kids had a make up snow day and my office was closed for President's Day. I was supposed to meet girlfriends at Starbucks and then spend the day shopping with them. Ahhh, if only it came to fruition! The doctor starting writing a prescription for an anti-biotic before the strep culture was even finished - she said his throat was "ridiculously icky"...serious medical jargon there! :)

He was totally feeling fine and back to school by Tuesday. Then Alex came home Thursday not her usual self with a slight fever, so I took her to the doctor (funny story about that in a minute!) to have her swabbed for strep since Zach was positive, but of course, she was negative. Seriously - why make it something an easy thing like an anti-biotic will fix?!?

I had called my pediatrician's office at a little after 3 to see if I could get an appointment and they told me that if I was there by 3:45 that they could fit us in, and that I could see my actual pediatrician. I've mentioned before that the pediatrician is about 35 minutes away, so I was in a bit of rush to get there - so much so that I didn't happen to see the police officer sitting at the off ramp as I sped right by him....whoops! The road I was on was a single lane road and there was no safe place for me to pull off - Zach was SO excited that I was getting pulled over and he yelled to me, "Mommy, you'd better pull over right now, we're in a pursuit!" Never would guess that kid watches a bit of COPS would you? Thankfully, it was very nice police officer who asked what my rush was and when I told him I was trying to get the pediatrician, he let me off with just a warning - much to Zach's dismay - he actually wanted to SEE a ticket!

Back to Alex! By Sunday she was completely miserable - if you so much as even looked at her she got seriously annoyed ~ she did not even want to get out of her bed - if we tried, she just cried and got very frustrated. So she's missed the last two days of school and is back on breathing treatments and chest percussions. She's back to smiling again, so that's always a really good sign.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Love the cop story. Too funny! I hope Alex is feeling better soon!