I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Latest Physical Therapy Session

Aaron and I have been doing the 'juggling" sessions since the kids are out of school for the holiday's and we're both trying to get some work done. Today Aaron dropped Zach off at my work before bringing Alex to her physical therapy session. Despite telling Zach that he had to 'lay low' and let Mommy work, he was quite animated, wanted to talk to everyone, go to our lunchroom for snacks, and type on my "cash register" (aka, calculator!). By the time we left my office and got to Children's Hospital for Alex's Physical Therapy session, she was done. And guess what....? She took SIXTEEN, unprompted steps...all by herself!!!! Was I there to witness any of it?!? NOPE!!!! I am SOOOOO disappointed! Her PT Shannon said this week and last week (which I also missed) have been her best PT sessions to date. I can't tell how happy, and sad at the same time, that makes me feel!!! I HATE that I have to work and miss these huge milestones!!! I can tell by how exhausted Alex is when I get her home that she's worked really hard, but I work really hard with her all week to get her to that point (and have the bruises to prove it!) that it's so disappointing to me that I miss seeing it when it really counts...when other people get to see her accomplish so much in an hour that I've worked weeks on getting her to achieve, and then I don't get to experience any of the glory (not that it's about me, but I want to experience the sheer excitement and joy that everyone else does when she does something for the first time that I've been trying to get her to do for the past eight years!) Sigh...next week when Aaron drops her off, I'm sneaking in with my camera to capture all of the magic!

1 comment:

Katie said...

she is amazing... go Allie Ban!