I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Date With Zach

Since it's been a rough few weeks at the Hayes House, and Zach is obviously craving some Mommy time...I decided to take Wednesday off from work and have a Zach and Mommy day. We went to the pool with our friends Christy and Murphy and had the best day. We were at the pool for over 5 hours and Zach and Murphy had a great time swimming while Christy and I had some much needed girl time.

I swear God knew what he was doing when he gave me Zach. That boy is the light of my life, and my greatest source of joy. He has an old wallet that my dad gave him over a year ago. Inside the wallet, he has a badge - just like his Daddy...an expired credit card, just like his Mommy (ok, so mine aren't expired, but whatever!), an appointment card for Alex's neurologist (just like Mommy carries), and a crisp one dollar bill that he got from his PaPa. So we're at the pool and Zach whips out his wallet, which I did not know he brought with him. I make a joke and say, "Zach, you're on duty today?", to which he replies under very quiet breath, "Shh, Mom, I'm undercover today!".

We had our lunch and then Zach announces that he's going to go to the snack bar. So I told him, OK, let's go, to which we replied, "Uh, Mommy - I'm a big boy now, I have my own money, and I don't need you to come with me". Hump....my little man is growing up way too fast! So I said Ok, you go by yourself and I'll wait here (of course I didn't, and hid behind a column and watched his every move, with my camera). He was SO funny. He waited in line with the "big kids", pretended to actually try and read the posted menu, and got to the front of the line and told the person at the concession stand that he would like to "purchase" some cookies. She told him that would be one dollar, to which he promptly replied, "Oh, I got that", opened his wallet for all to see his "badge" and whipped out his dollar bill. The look on his face when he walked away was priceless and while I wanted to just crack up, I had a reality shot at the same time that my little man is in fact, growing up :(

Zach and Murphy

Going for a swim

"Watch Me, mom!"

Zach and Murphy "Going for a tan!"

"Hey, it's first time here alone, what should I order?!?"

"I just paid for my first purchase, alone!...who needs Mom?!?"

An independent boy and his cookies!

Murphy and Zach playing beach towel Candy Land

After we got home Zach and I played Frisbee in the backyard, then tag, and then we took turns on the swing. Afterwards I put him in the shower, and as I was closing the door, he put his hand up to stop me from closing the door and said, "Mom, thank you so much for a great day, you're the best mom".....:) I swear he could have asked for a pony at that moment!!!

After I got him settled, I left for my "Mom's and Margaritas" support group, where I got to hang out and talk with other moms who face what I do on a daily basis...a real bunch of incredible ladies....it was a great day!!!!

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