I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Dare I say I think the house might be healthy again?!? Last week Zach still was not doing any better and was still running high fevers at night. So Aaron took him to the pediatrician on Wednesday and it turned out that he had Mycoplasma Pneumonia. Since it was bacterial he started on an anti-biotic and knock on wood, all is good at this moment!! Alex's nurse called in sick for the first time in four years because she had caught it as well. Something I haven't had a chance to post is that my best friend Dana from New York moved here a month ago and has been staying with us, and she finally succumbed to the germs on Thursday as well! So whatever the bug was, it was a potent one at that!

Alex is doing really well. Last week I took her back to Hope Therapy so that I could get a refresher course on working with her at home with the cage equipment we have. I'll try and take some pictures or video soon for a better visual. We've been working with her pretty much every day and she knows exactly what exercises are coming next based on how I start hooking her up and basically just starts doing them on her own. She's also been doing really well with her independent sitting. I took this video after she had already been sitting independently by herself for over 4 minutes - so all in all she sat for over six minutes unassisted!

We had our Speech Therapy session with Beth yesterday and unfortunately, we wont be seeing Beth as our therapist after the summer. I'm bummed because I truly love working with Beth and I'm not sure what our options are going to be after she leaves. Alex has been in therapy atleast 2-3 times a week since she was 13 weeks old. So I think I may take a break from Speech for a while and just work with her from home. I'm at every session she has, so I'm really comfortable in knowing what I need to do to work with her. Her attention yesterday was amazing. Her eye contact was contstant and she was so focused on what she was doing. We switched from using single switches to a Go-Talk device that has four options. Alex gets to pick what she wants to play with and gets to hear what she selected once she hits it. She worked with the Go-Talk for the entire hour we were there and was so consistent. I'm really proud of the progress she's making.


Christy said...

Wow Wow Wow!!! So much to say! First of all - how beautiful is she sitting up by herself??? And then I LOVE the concentration she has - you can see in the second video her looking from Beth to the Go Talk, and then back at Beth again. Amazing, Donna! I feel like it's been forever since I've seen her and she's made so much progress in that time! See you soon!!!!

MIss Katie said...

WOW!!! I am so impressed. She is so awesome, Donna. And I have to say, I'm not surprised she chose the rain stick :-) Great Job, Allie Bean!