I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Infectious Laughter!

We started Speech Therapy back up with Beth today at Children's Hospital...Yeah!!!!! Beth's been working on a lot of feeding with Alex but today we decided to just work on cognitive play with her switches. Alex wasn't as on target as we know she can be, but i just had to post these videos of her laughing...I really think she has an infectious laugh! A rain stick is a HUGE motivator for her, always has been. She just loves them. If we're shifting around toys in her basket looking for a toy and just one of the beads happens to move in the process she cracks up like she's just heard the funniest joke ever!

*Volume Warning if the volume on your computer is turned up!*

An update on the Melatonin...she has slept THROUGH the night the past two nights she's been on it!! In fact, I typically don't have to set my alarm clock because she's always up at 5:30AM or so. But this morning my alarm went off at 6 and I thought I hit snooze, but I actually turned it off (oops!)...so I woke up at 7:07 (her bus comes at 7:12!) in mad fire drill mode, but since it was obvious she wasn't going to come close to making her bus we didn't bother waking her up. She woke up at 7:30!!! The day before I had to wake her up at 6:50 so I could get her ready for school! I only wish I had done this sooner because so far, so good! :)

1 comment:

Christy Rockwood said...

Love the videos! She reminds me so much of our Ruby. Ruby has been clinically diagnosed with Angelmans. She is nonverbal and we are currently working with the PECS system. Would love more info. on the what Alex is using. Ruby has the same laugh as Alex. It is so adorable! Take Care
Christy R. Austin TX.