I thought I would have to teach my daughter about the world; turns out I have to teach the world about her. They see a girl who doesn't speak,
I see a miracle who doesn't need words.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

'Tis the Season!

It's obviously the busiest time of year for everyone and the Hayes house is no exception! We have been out every night the past week with activities and festivities! Alex and Zach both had Holiday programs at school this week...Alex's was first on Tuesday night and she "performed" with her "typical" peers in the first and fifth grade winter program. She was Suzy Snowflake and her teacher, Mrs. Gibbons-Plowcha, was her "assistant" and dressed all in black and literally crouched behind her wheel chair and "danced" her with the rest of her class in the performance...obviously very moving for me and Aaron...here she is with her brother before the show and her and her snowflake wand after the performance...

Wednesday night Zach had his show and sang his little heart out...here he is in action, and another pic of him and his best buddy Aidan...

Thursday Alex's class had a party and the parents were invited...Alex's teacher made her a beautiful ballerina pillow and her friends in her inclusion first grade class (basically she gets to be included with "typical" first graders in music, art, lunch, etc.) made her a scarf...not shockingly, I was brought to tears that they thought of her and wanted to give her a gift.

I will say that I was very proud of myself as I finished my Christmas shopping. If you've been following the threads here you might remember in her birthday post that I mentioned I had dreams of Easy Bake Ovens and Barbie Dolls and felt sad that I still shopped in the infant section for her toys....well as I was shopping I thought to myself...why can't she have an Easy Bake Oven?!? She's doing so great eating, and I can work on fine motor skills helping her stir, and Zach can help her with the oven part...so I'm thrilled to say that I actually bought a gift for her that said for ages EIGHT and over!!!!!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!!!

We're gearing up for her MRI's on Tuesday morning, so if you would say a prayer for all of us, we would be grateful.

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